
Jerrycurl is open source and released under the MIT license, and we provide the usual feeds to grab the code and/or binaries from.


Jerrycurl forms a simple NuGet package hierarchy that contains the baseline components and official support for five common databases.

├─ Jerrycurl.Build.Razor
└─ Jerrycurl.Mvc
   └─ Jerrycurl.Cqs
      └─ Jerrycurl.Relations
├─ Jerrycurl.Vendors.SqlServer
├─ Jerrycurl.Vendors.MySql
├─ Jerrycurl.Vendors.Sqlite
├─ Jerrycurl.Vendors.Postgres
└─ Jerrycurl.Vendors.Oracle


Our packages target .NET Standard 2.0 and 2.1, meaning you can use it for most versions of .NET:

  • .NET 5 is supported and recommended for any new project
  • .NET Core is supported for versions 2.x and 3.x
  • .NET Framework is supported from version 4.7.2 and up


If you are using Jerrycurl on Windows we recommend that you install our VSIX and use the Jerrycurl Library template to set up a project in only a few steps.

Jerrycurl can be installed into any csproj by adding the Jerrycurl package which contains the basic MVC framework and Razor SQL compiler.

dotnet add package Jerrycurl

To target a specific database system, install one of our vendor packages.

dotnet add package Jerrycurl.Vendors.SqlServer
# or                                 MySql, Sqlite, Postgres, Oracle


An integrated and extended version of the CLI tool is included in the Visual Studio extension.

Jerrycurl also includes a CLI available in the dotnet-jerry package which can be installed with the dotnet SDK.

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-jerry

Generating classes

The most common CLI usage is to run the scaffold command whenever you want to create or update class definitions from a database schema.

jerry scaffold -v sqlserver -c "SERVER=.;DATABASE=blogdb"
# or              mysql, sqlite, postgres, oracle

This generates a single Database.cs file containing classes that match your schema in the usual class-per-table approach.

For information on how to customize the output, type in jerry help scaffold.

Source code

Jerrycurl is open source, hosted on GitHub and includes a simple script for building, testing and creating Jerrycurl packages with PowerShell.

git clone
cd jerrycurl
pwsh .\build.ps1