SQL Server

To set up Jerrycurl with a SQL Server database, install the official NuGet package.

dotnet add package Jerrycurl.Vendors.SqlServer

After this, configure your connection with the UseSqlServer extension.

class MyDomain : IDomain
public void Configure(DomainOptions options)

If you want to create an initial set of classes, use our CLI with the sqlserver moniker.

jerry scaffold -v sqlserver -c "SERVER=.;DATABASE=blogdb"

Or, in Visual Studio, simply right-click a .orm file and pick Jerrycurl -> Generate from Database.


SQL Server supports both types of output mapping that Jerrycurl can use: output parameters and output data sets.

Procedural elements

OUTPUT clause

Jerrycurl supports

@model Blog

( @M.In().ColNames() )
OUTPUT      @M.Out().Cols("INSERTED").As().Props()
VALUES    ( @M.In().Pars() )

Table-valued parameters

Jerrycurl natively supports table-valued parameters as a powerful feature to map an entire relational structure into your database as a single parameter.

To use these, you must first define a structure server-side similar to that of a regular table.

    StartDate datetime2
    EndDate datetime2

Create a matching object and map its name with the Table attribute.

public class DateRange
public DateTime StartDate { getset; }
public DateTime EndDate { getset; }

Supply a List<DateRange> model, use the special Tvp extension to access the table and use Col to access columns.

@model DateRange
@result Blog

SELECT  @R.Star()
FROM    @R.Tbl()
FROM    @M.Tvp()
WHERE   @R.Col(m => m.CreatedOn) BETWEEN @M.Col(m => m.StartDate) AND
@M.Col(m => m.EndDate)