Other databases

Jerrycurl supports all database connectors that adhere to the ADO.NET specification and requires no more than a somewhat ISO-compliant SQL dialect and an IDbConnection factory.

class MyDomain : IDomain
public void Configure(DomainOptions options)
        options.ConnectionFactory = () => 
new FooConnection("...");


The compliance Razor SQL needs to function properly is:

  • quoted identifiers, i.e. SELECT "Title" FROM "Blog".
  • @-parameters, i.e. WHERE "Rating" > @P0.

If your database does not follow these rules, you can add a custom implementation of IDialect or IsoDialect, e.g. for changing quotes to pings and @-parameters to ?-parameters.

public class FooDialect : IsoDialect
public override char IdentifierQuote => '`';
public override char ParameterPrefix => '?';

Add this to your domain configuration.

options.Dialect = new FooDialect();

Write Razor code as you normally would.

SELECT  @R.Star()
FROM    @R.Tbl()
WHERE   @R.Col(m => m.CreatedOn) >= @M.Par()

And generate SQL that works with your database.

SELECT  T0.`Id` AS `Item.Id`, -- ...
FROM    "Blog" T0
WHERE   T0.`CreatedOn` >= ?P0

Official support

Jerrycurl out of the box supports the big five database systems: SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL.